

Anchor Bay Entertainment has announced that it will release director Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo’s feature film debut After.Life on April 9 for a limited theatrical run. The film has been tagged with an R-rating for its disturbing images, language, and generous helping of Christina Ricci nudity.

(UPDATE: To see the first official After.Life trailer, click here)

After.Life, which held its premiere back in November as part of the AFI Fest in Los Angeles, stars Ricci as an automobile accident victim who awakens while her body is being prepped for burial by a mysterious mortician, played by Liam Neeson. According to those who caught the film’s premiere, Ricci appears nude through much of the film.


After.Life costars Justin Long, Josh Charles, and Chandler Canterbury. To see a new poster, go here.

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