
Creepy-Goodness in ‘Nightscape’ Trailer


Writer-director and founder of Imperiad Entertainment David W. Edwards premiered the following trailer at the  New York City Horror Film Festival, the largest horror convention in the States. The clip is full of creepy goodness. Check it out:

According to the film’s website, Edwards is currently seeking a cash-injection to complete production on the super-natural thriller. Let’s hope he steals his mom’s credit card and gets this baby done. I need to know what the fuck is feeding on the hot blond’s head!

The official synopsis reads:

In Nightscape, three high school seniors are drawn into a world of living nightmares. Exposed to a frightening creature of unknown origin, the teens unexpectedly gain paranormal powers. As these powers grow and change the trio suspect they’ve become hapless pawns in a larger war between ancient forces of good and evil.

The film is a smart supernatural thriller that combines compelling drama and surreal, Lovecraftian horror. It marks a return to the psychological terror of films like Videodrome and In the Mouth of Madness.

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