
Elvira is Just Like You, But with Bigger Tits!


Mistress of the Dark Elvira pokes fun at Tea Party darling and suspected witch Christine O’Donnell in a clever video spoof of the Delaware Senate candidate’s “I Am Not a Witch” TV spot. Gotta say, the parody is better than most campaign commercials.

Take a look:

Elvira and her “bigger tits” can be seen on TV hosting the recently revamped syndicated series “Elvira’s Movie Macabre.” The show, produced and written by Elvira, features the still-stunning 58-year-old starlet providing commentary and eye-candy while airing terrible old crap such as Attack of the Giant Leeches, The Killer Shrews, and Night of the LivingDead. To see local listings for time and channels, go here.

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