
Sexy Swedes Tormented in ‘Mara.’ Playboy Model Angelica Jansson Stars!


Remember the Swedish Bikini Team? Sure, they were American actresses playing Swedes to hawk Old Milwaukee beer. But, in retrospect, we all know they were selling us more than just booze. They were selling us on the idea of a physically superior race of women found in a magical far-off land know only as Scandinavia. It was a beautiful dream to have as we slipped into our inebriated comas.

Swedish Erotica

Swedish Erotica

But, was it really just a dream? No, my friends, it’s all real. Turns out there is a Scandinavia and its inhabitants are a blonde and big-breasted people. How do I know this? Because Scandinavian studio FilmKoncept has released the following trailer for its upcoming slasher Mara.

Mara stars Scandinavian glamor/nude model Angelica Jansson as a vacationing coed tormented by something evil in her past. She and her beautiful (and authentically Swedish) friends must figure out how to appease the dark force or end up as dead meatballs.

(UPDATE: To see Angelica Jansson in new Mara trailer & BTS photos, go here.)

(Update: For official Mara poster and synopsis, click here. To see nude & semi-nude photos of Angelica Jansson, go here.)


The film is slated for a 2010 release and is produced by Fredrik Hedberg, Jacob Kondrup and Åke Gustafsson. To see a gallery of screen shots, click here. Clatto also stumbled upon the following BTS trailer:

Oh, yes, there will be blood (and boobs).

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