

Guardians of Ga’Hoole author Kathryn Lasky broke some exciting news about Zack Snyder’s film adaptation of her books today. The trailer for Legends of the Guardians (that’s what it’s called now)will make its debut in the States and the U.K. ahead of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland on March 5.

(UPDATE: See images from the movie here)

Lasky says on her website:

My big news is about the Guardians movie! A trailer for it will be shown all across the country attached to Alice in Wonderland starting March fifth. Go look for it. By the way, the movie is called Legend of the Guardians. Hollywood is worried that nobody except you will know what Ga’Hoole means.

The Legend of the Guardians trailer runs 2 minutes and 15 seconds and will be presented in 3-D, where available. The film is due in theaters on Sept. 24.

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