

Posted above is the first image from Dead Snow director Tommy Wirkola’s Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, a flash forward of the classic fairy tale that finds the siblings hunting down supernatural forces for profit. EW scored the pic and an interview with star Gemma Arterton.

She says:

They resonate with your fears, that’s how these fairy tales worked. They scared you into behaving. This one in particular is about abandonment and being lost and parents leaving you. The heart of it is that these kids grow up to be bloodthirsty witch hunters. It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek, really. What would Hansel and Gretel be in 15 years time?

We spent a lot of time thinking about that and behaving like brother and sister, making it detailed so it wasn’t just two actors kicking butt, really. That would get boring. In our minds, these are two people who grew up with no parents and they only have each other and the bond they have, and with the complexities of that, some resentment.

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters costars Jeremy Renner as Hansel (pictured above) and Famke Janssen (X-Men), Zoe Bell (Death Proof) and Norwegian actress Ingrid Bolsø Berdal (Cold Prey) as evil witches.

The film finds its way into theaters on March 2, 2012.

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