
Thumbs Up for ‘Dead Rivalry’ Trailer, Newcomer Alysa King Co-stars!


A trailer has gone online for the indie Canadian thriller Dead Rivalry. Directed by Garret Henry and written by Jeremy Thornhill, the film is inspired by the crimes of serial killer Edmund Kemper, dubbed the Coed Killer after slaughtering six female hitchhikers during 1972-1973.

If that isn’t fucked up enough to whet your interest, the plot synopsis offers up a wicked twist:

Two serial killers end up in the same car on an old deserted road. Brendan, hitchhikes and kills the people who pick him up, while Winston picks up hitchhikers to torture and murder them.

Dead Rivalry stars Evan Stern, Stephen Davis, Mark Buck, Jon Ambrose, and stunner Alysa King (pictured above). Keep up with the film by following its Facebook and Twitter pages.

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