

Faster than a speeding bullet, CBS announces Melissa Benoist (“Glee”) as its “Supergirl.” The hour-long show is from Warner Bros. and the producers of the hit, tween-centric superhero shows “Arrow” and “The Flash” on CBS sister station The CW.

“Supergirl” finds Superman’s hot 24-year-old cousin, Kara Zor-El, living on earth since the destruction of her planet Krypton. Bearing the same superpowers and weakness to Kryptonite as the man of steel, Kara decides to become the hero she was meant to be.

Unfortunately, the Supergirl costume is designed by Colleen Atwood, designer of the outfits for “Arrow” and “The Flash”…  so kiss goodbye any possibilities of seeing Supergirl in a hot little red mini and go-go boots. Somewhere Helen Slater is spinning in her grave.

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