
Karen Gillan in ‘Jumanji’ Trailer: Where’s the Sexy Sexism We Were Promised?


Because social justice warrior culture says you gotta dig chicks with dicks, but not actual chicks if they’re hot and sexy, Jumanji found itself in controversial waters earlier this year when it released an image for the film featuring stunner Karen Gillan in short-shorts and a crop top (gasp!) – never mind she’d be kicking ass alongside the Rock.

Sony has now released a full length trailer for the film, a sequel to the 1995 fantasy-adventure classic starring Robin Williams, and sure enough Gillan is holding her own opposite Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, and Jack Black in the rough and tumble jungle – not one shot of a sexy waterfall shower to be seen!

To boot, hot up-and-comer Madison Iseman (Tales of Halloween) is transformed into Black’s portly, middle-aged professor avatar once the movie’s plot kicks in: four high school kids sucked into an old magical video game must survive it to the end as the characters they’ve chosen to play.

So, yeah, not much on the frivolous thrills side, but still looks fun.

Peep it:

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