

Australian actors Xavier Samuel (Twilight Saga: Eclipse) and newcomer Robin McLeavy headline writer/director Sean Byrne’s award-winning TIFF darling The Loved Ones.

Described as Pretty in Pink meets Wolf Creek, the indie-thriller follows an emotionally unstable wallflower named Lola (McLeavy) as she abducts and holds captive the boy (Samuel) that rejected her advances and invitation to attend the “End of the Year” dance.

Peep the trailer:

While the film looks gleefully gruesome and funny, I’m not sure horror geeks will feel much sympathy for a guy who is kidnapped by a very cute chick who only really wants to bang him.

I mean most of us you ended up going to school dances with our your fat sisters, who didn’t even put out after making us you dance to “You Spin Me Round” all night.

The Loved Ones costars Victoria Thaine, Jessica McNamee, Richard Wilson, and John Brumpton. The film has yet to acquire distribution in the States, but will be released later this year in Australia.

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