

Syfy has released a trailer for its new six-hour sci-fi mini-series “Ascension.” The show stars Tricia Helfer as the Chief Steward on board a space ship secretly launched in 1963 by the U.S. government to populate a new world. Fifty years later, they remain lost in space and faced with an unexpected murder.

The synopsis reads:

In 1963, the U.S. government launched a covert space mission sending hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world.

Nearly 50 years into the journey, as they approach the point of no return, a mysterious murder of a young woman causes the ship’s population to question the true nature of their mission.

“Ascension” is created by executive producer and showrunner Philip Levens (”Smallville”). Co-stars include Brian Van Holt (“The Bridge”), Andrea Roth (“Rescue Me”), and Tiffany Lonsdale (G.I. Joe: Retaliation). The series premieres Nov. 24.

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