
Lauren Cohan’s ABC comedy spy series “Whiskey Cavalier” may have met an untimely death, but the British stunner is resurrecting her career-making role as beloved zombie apocalypse survivor Maggie Green Rhee on season 11 of AMC’s “The Walking Dead.”

“The Walking Dead” is in the midst of season 10 and has already been renewed for season 11. Cohan, who made her exit from the show during season nine, will be back as a series regular. Last we saw, Maggie had abandoned the Hilltop community to join an old dame Georgie and her crew of good-doers.

Cohan tells AMC:

I’m so excited to surprise the fans. I know we left Maggie Rhee up in the air and I can’t wait to bring this to them.

There are definitely things she will have picked up on the road and there’s also the relationship with her son and how growing with him has affected her. Or even what has been happening, I’m in a liberated position to actually not know enough to give spoilers at this point!

It’s a nice surprise to come back to these changes, understand what motivates her return, what happened while she was out there and who’s still going to be here when she returns. We have a lot to unpack.

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